Opposite of the concealing of one's true intentions or feelings
Opposite of a manner or expression that hides one's true character or feelings
Opposite of the act or state of being disguised or hidden, or that which facilitates this
“Look closer for the reveal of the animal's hiding spot.”
Opposite of a person or organization serving as a cover for subversive or illegal activities
“As long as the person has performed his duty to a decent-to-great standard, it should look great and be a representation of what they do.”
Opposite of a display of behavior, usually meant to deceive
Opposite of a manner or expression that hides one's true character or feelings
“Karl had a laid-back personality, which kept him under the radar screen during his high school and college football careers.”
Opposite of to hide or conceal something (literally or figuratively)
Opposite of to make a false show or pretense of
Opposite of to alter or manipulate, especially with the intention to deceive
“Photography purists will leave the original photo.”
Related Words and Phrases