Opposite of to fall down or over, especially suddenly
Opposite of to move or jolt around unsteadily or abruptly
Opposite of to bend and give way under pressure or strain
Opposite of to engage in carnal activity
Opposite of to turn or topple to the side or upside down
Opposite of to cascade or issue forth from somewhere
“Each drawer will be clearly marked and will be lined with bin liners for easy disposal and to ensure that the liquid is contained.”
(hold out) Opposite of to collapse or burst inward violently
(explode) Opposite of to collapse or burst inward violently
Opposite of to fall or let fall in drops of liquid
Opposite of to fall or collapse
“The locals and visitors alike informed me how the Golden Gate Bridge was planned, constructed, and maintained to stand against the elements.”
(of a business) Opposite of to go bankrupt
“Against the odds, his cafe would thrive in a suburb that was saturated with various eatery options.”
Opposite of a rapid fall in amount or value
Opposite of an untidy or confused arrangement or state
Opposite of an assortment or medley
Opposite of a disorganized assortment of things
Opposite of a steep downward plunge
Opposite of an involuntary slip or fall
“While a quick recovery is vulnerable to attacks if the enemy is close, it can be just as vulnerable to stay prone after a knockdown.”
Opposite of a reduction in the value of an asset over time, due in particular to wear and tear
“It can be tricky to determine a property's actual appreciation in value over time, in part because there's a distinct human tendency to deceive ourselves.”
Opposite of a hodgepodge or incongruous mixture of something
Opposite of a composite work created by assembling or putting together various elements
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