Opposite of a place where someone or something is located or has been put
Opposite of a situation, especially as it affects one's power to act
Opposite of high rank or social standing
Opposite of a paid role or position
Opposite of importance or reputation gained by ability or achievement
Opposite of a belief or set of beliefs held and taught by a Church, political party, or other group
Opposite of a particular level of rank, quality, proficiency, or value
Opposite of an assertion, especially one maintained in an argument
Opposite of a point of view from which something is seen, presented or approached
Opposite of a point of view or way of thinking
“He was dumbfounded as to how to tackle the problem and his cluelessness on the issue was evident.”
Opposite of an instruction, command, or role given to a person or group
Opposite of a person's employment status
“Not bad for an incidental photographer who took up photography mostly as a necessity rather than an avocation.”
Opposite of a particular point or place in physical space
Opposite of an unoccupied position or job
“James being groomed to take over from a currently occupied position on the board.”
Opposite of the reason for which something or someone is used or suited for
“The uselessness of the company's health and safety policy has caused many to lose faith in their products.”
Opposite of an individual stage within a succession of changes, stages, or degrees
Opposite of a firmly held opinion
“In the wake of the violent protest against authority in the West in the 1960s and subsequent years, many espouse a position of indifference.”
Opposite of a condition or circumstance that puts one in a favorable or superior position
Opposite of the position or interests of one person or group, especially in opposition to others
Opposite of the place where an incident in real life or fiction occurs or occurred
“I considered traveling again, but I was worried that it was literally a road to nowhere.”
Opposite of the way in which a person lives
“I had to make a split with my old way of life as it was proving to be detrimental to my life.”
Opposite of an actual event, situation, or fact
“The allegation of criminality is a complete fabrication.”
Opposite of a view or judgment formed about something, not necessarily based on fact or knowledge
“To my knowledge, there is only one place in his published writings where Berkeley responds directly to this challenge.”
Opposite of the act, fact or state of lining up in a given pattern or order
Opposite of the place, area or space occupied by, or intended for, an event, activity or purpose
“The country is in the middle of a civil war, and many people who have come from there have made their homes here.”
(disarrange) Opposite of to position or place something in a particular place or spot
(move) Opposite of to position or place something in a particular place or spot
“Callie, did you move my keys? I have to get to work!”
Opposite of to position or arrange in a given place or position
Opposite of to fix or put into place
“Unscrew the two bolts that hold the slot bracket and then carefully remove the graphics card.”
Opposite of to physically change the way something is as opposed to its original state
“Travelers are advised not to handle bags that do not belong to them and to leave them where they are.”
Opposite of to assign to a specified place for a particular purpose
“As machines continue to displace humans in a range of fields, they may exacerbate our structural problems with job growth.”
Opposite of to place or set apart two or more items allowing for space in between
“He took incredible pains to join the two parts together, which he did at length so effectually, that it was used as if it had been whole.”
Related Words and Phrases