Opposite of to move to or place in a particular position
“The lady had asked politely for the young man to remove his bag from the seat next to him.”
Opposite of to present for consideration
“The company said that they permitted the woman to withdraw her application for admission into the country.”
Opposite of to issue, establish or apply as a charge, fine or penalty
“The unions hailed the decision as a victory and called on the trusts to abolish the charges permanently.”
Opposite of to convey or express in a particular way or manner
“I understand that you don't quite agree with that?”
Opposite of to assign to a given category
“Work was essential, and it was also the one thing that could remove one from the category of being poor.”
Opposite of to estimate or judge
“We buy a commodity by means of another, but in order to know the value of the former, we need to know the value of the latter.”
Opposite of to allocate or assign to
“Instead of revealing the name of the culprit, Raja decided to take the fall for the mistake.”
Opposite of to gamble (money or something else of value) on the outcome of an event
“I do not think I am a lucky person, and besides, I would rather save my money than gamble it.”
Opposite of to be placed in an undesirable position or location
“He didn't kill his wife, so drop the charges and release him.”
(of an object) Opposite of to put in a particular position or location
“Please remove the dishes from the dining table once the guests have left.”
Opposite of to place or position someone or something
Opposite of to situate in a particular place
Opposite of to state or make known
Opposite of to assign to a particular class or category
Opposite of to issue, establish or apply as a fee, charge, fine or penalty
Opposite of to adapt or design for a particular purpose or person
Opposite of to bet money or something else in a gamble
Opposite of to gamble on the outcome of a game, race or event
Opposite of to establish by calculation
To set (something) down heavily or unceremoniously
“The waiter would then plump a huge plateful of sizzling ribs in front of Lili.”
Opposite of to pack or store (an object) carefully and neatly in a particular place
Opposite of to put forward one's questions
“Let me address the question you have posed.”
Opposite of to put or place something in a given location or position
“She would take a ruler and measure its length exactly.”
Opposite of to express something definitely or clearly in speech or writing
“I heard her mumble something under her breath as she was escorted out of the building.”
Opposite of to place or leave something at a given place or location
“You can collect the car once servicing has been completed.”
Opposite of to get, or make, accustomed to a given condition or situation
Opposite of to have put forward one's questions
“I addressed the question he had posed to us.”
Opposite of to rephrase words or translate them into another language
Opposite of to place or throw something (somewhere) in a haphazard manner
Opposite of to organize in a particular way
“It was his intention to disorganize everything that had been kept in the most orderly fashion.”
Opposite of to make a suggestion, offer or proposal to someone
Opposite of to gamble
“Jarrod is the kind of guy who likes to play it safe.”
Opposite of to convey or express in a particular way or manner
“The artist, generalizing from the facts of experience, combines concrete symbols absurdly so as to nonsensify pragmatic reality.”
Opposite of to throw or launch something in a given direction
“He can catch the ball in traffic as well as anyone in the league, and he's lethal after the catch.”
Opposite of to try to figure out through estimation or hypothesis
“I know that you are lying about your relationship with that woman, Bill!”
Opposite of to claim a statement as true
“I simply dispute the claim that some rules are more natural than others, or have an inherent moral basis.”
Opposite of to put securely in place or in the desired position
“You may unfasten your seatbelt once the plane has come to a complete stop.”
Opposite of to apply as a coating
“As we were never allowed a second slice, the only thing to do was to scrape the burnt bits off the toast with a knife.”
Opposite of to issue, establish or apply as a charge, fine or penalty
“The audits either rejected the inflated invoices or required the contractors to reimburse the money.”
Opposite of to cause (two or more things) to exchange places
Opposite of to physically place in a given location
“The tech company decided it would be prudent to leave Silicon Valley after many years of being established there.”
Opposite of to attribute or ascribe a property, quality or value to someone or something
Opposite of to offend the modesty or values of
Opposite of to make a guess
“They could not go behind the returns and make inquiry as to the actual number of votes cast, and thus determine the result of the election.”
Opposite of to have set up on a long-term basis
“After many years, the tech company closed down its headquarters in Silicon Valley.”
Opposite of an act of throwing something
“Worsley moved across, made a brilliant catch, and sent the ball high into the air with a one-handed jerk behind his back.”
Related Words and Phrases