Opposite of to suppress the noise or speech of
Opposite of to put an end to, especially formally
Opposite of to muffle or deaden the sound of
“It is important to use speakers to amplify the volume to ensure that everyone can hear the audio on the video clips.”
Opposite of to put an end to something, especially one's ability to speak or express oneself
“His public transgressions will continue to occasion criticisms of his wild party ways.”
Opposite of to deaden, muffle, or soften the sound of
Opposite of to say something in response, typically in a sharp, angry, or witty manner
Opposite of to slow the growth or progress of, or to keep under control
“Time is of the essence, and a board meeting was held yesterday in an attempt to expedite the process.”
Opposite of to violently subdue (opposition or a rebellion)
“Fearful that the right planned to establish a fascist state, socialists rose up in the mining districts of Asturias only to be defeated by the army under the supervision of General Franco.”
Opposite of to knowingly say that something is smaller or less important than it actually is
Opposite of to edit or take out
“If she remarried, she had the right to add a clause to the ketubah allowing her to retain some of her property.”
Related Words and Phrases