Opposite of to increase the amount or level of something, especially by means of a control
Opposite of to arrive at, or get to, a destination
Opposite of to become apparent or to be revealed
Opposite of to be found, especially by chance, after being lost
Opposite of to discover something, either by chance or intention
Opposite of to go somewhere, typically with some degree of difficulty
“I don't feel like going anywhere. Let's just stay here.”
Opposite of to make an appearance
“Your decision to ignore your initial court hearing will not be looked upon favorably when the jury decides your fate.”
Opposite of to discover or locate something, either by chance or intention
“To misplace a presidential badge of office for a couple of days may be unfortunate.”
Opposite of to come into existence
“Is it a coincidence that this issue would resolve from the moment we fired Jim?”
Opposite of to expose or bring to light
“To intentionally suppress important information that would be difficult or impossible for the contractor to obtain is a crime against the public.”