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What is the opposite of control?

Need antonyms for control? Here's a list of opposite words from our thesaurus that you can use instead.

Opposite of the process or act of managing, running or governing (something)
“A feeling of powerlessness overwhelmed her when she realized that there was no answer to her dilemma.”
Opposite of control or dominance over someone or something
“This kind of freedom may coincide with the cruelest despotism and with the subjugation of the overwhelming majority of the people.”
Opposite of proficiency or mastery in executing a task or skill
“I'm plodding on with the street scene, painting, and it's beginning to come to life in spite of my tremulous incompetence.”
Opposite of one's composure or state of calmness
“He was obviously frustrated, and the agitation in his voice and demeanor was evident.”
Opposite of a benchmark by which something is evaluated
“Comparisons with other cultures need no longer engender feelings of inferiority and inadequacy.”
Opposite of something that impedes the progress or movement of someone or something
Opposite of domination, influence, or authority over another
Opposite of the state or feeling of being calm and in control of oneself
Opposite of a condition or circumstance that puts one in a favorable position
(someone or something) Opposite of the state of supervising, protecting, and maintaining the health and welfare of
“Due to her negligence, Lily had lost the rights to her children.”
Opposite of the avoidance of excess or extremes, especially in one's behavior
Opposite of the state or fact of having or possessing something
Opposite of restraint imposed by oneself on one's own actions
Opposite of a person or thing that has a subduing or inhibiting effect
Opposite of the process or activity of running a business, organization, etc.
“Any town officer may be removed from office by the supreme court for any misconduct, maladministration, malfeasance, or malversation in office.”
Opposite of control of or dominion over an area or people
“Fundamentally, the subordination of the oppressed nations to the major powers is rooted in economic relations.”
Opposite of the state, act, or fact of being calm and composed
Opposite of the action of living in or using a building or other place
Opposite of the action or manner of controlling or regulating a state, organization, or people
“When law and order break down in a country, it is the first step towards anarchy and chaos.”
Opposite of to exert influence over or dictate the outcome of
“I think it is time I surrender my hold on this domain and acknowledge defeat.”
Opposite of to restrain or to keep in check
Free yourself from the tyranny of emotional baggage, and you will be able to move on.”
Opposite of to make less powerful or intense, thereby easier to control
“In an ancient era, twin girls are raised as boys to prevent their wizard father from sacrificing them to intensify his supernatural powers.”
Opposite of to regulate or keep under control
Opposite of to overcome or bring under control
Opposite of to defeat, subdue or overcome with superior strength
Opposite of to direct, handle, control, or be in charge of
Opposite of to act as an official in charge of something, especially a sporting event
Opposite of to direct, handle, control, or be in charge of
“I am not going to stand by silently while you mismanage these sacred funds the way you have chosen to do in recent months.”
Opposite of to restrain or repress, especially one's feelings, opinions or emotions
“He could ill afford to openly express his joy at Hedda's escape, as this surely would be looked upon by Gerhard as an act of treason.”
Opposite of to regulate the speed or amount of something given or administered
“Do not rush the amount of information that you provide to the learner at any one time.”
Opposite of to keep under control, especially something that is increasing in intensity or extremity
“He is the latest candidate to unleash his anger with raw and emotional language.”
Opposite of to have power and influence over
“After three straight weeks with poor performances, the young gun continues to struggle at the elite level of the sport.”
Opposite of to obtain, arrange, or achieve by indirect, complicated or intensive efforts
Opposite of to be in charge or command of
“Several specialists would serve in a team led by Danny Ocean who wanted to pull off one of the greatest heists of all time.”
Opposite of to manage
“Many agents sell a bunch of houses, then spend all their time servicing those houses and neglect their business.”
Opposite of to direct or influence the behavior or development of
“What that tells me is that right now, is that whatever is being reported could be information to deceive and mislead people.”
Opposite of to take, or be in, charge of
“As with the Italian condottiere, they were willing to serve any master with whom their chief could make satisfactory arrangements.”
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