Opposite of an amount that is allocated or apportioned to an individual or group
Opposite of a reduction in a fee, cost or price, typically for a specific situation or category of person
Opposite of something given as a reward or remuneration for something done
Opposite of a part, share, or number considered in comparative relation to a whole
Opposite of a statement acknowledging the truth of something
Opposite of something that is given as charity, especially a sum of money
Opposite of the action of deducting or subtracting something
Opposite of a sum of money given by a government or other organization for a particular purpose
“The company is understood to be heavily laden with debt following recent investments.”
Opposite of a statement or assertion that makes another less absolute
Opposite of a court-mandated allowance made to a former spouse by a divorced or legally separated person
Opposite of financial help
“I was given an expiation notice and a fine for my parking indiscretion.”
Opposite of the practice of tolerating something, in particular differences of opinion or behaviour
Opposite of a sum of money sent in payment or as a gift
Opposite of an instance of kind, or charitable, behavior
“It would be such a disservice to raise him in an environment for which he would be unprepared to enjoy and appreciate.”
Opposite of a husband's or wife's provision for their spouse after separation or divorce
Opposite of a very small or inadequate amount of money
Opposite of the right, admission, or opportunity to use
“The general public has inaccessibility to the toilets in the building unless they are employees.”
Opposite of acknowledgement of the existence, validity, or legality of something
“If he is to be faulted for anything, it is for the failure to realize the ignorance of his own limitations was a kind of complicity.”
Opposite of a deduction or reduction, typically from the usual cost of something
“Can you explain what this ridiculous surcharge is for?”
Opposite of a subtraction or decrease, especially the price or cost of something
“Some of these transactions were considered improper because there was a markup in price plus commission.”
Opposite of a number or quantity of something, especially that required to make a group complete
“We have nothing on him, Chief! We have to let him go!”
Opposite of a special right or advantage, granted or available only to a particular person or group
“They not only live in impoverished neighborhoods but have the disadvantage of poor education.”
Opposite of a gift or payment to a common fund or collection
“The money saved by noncontribution to the budget could be used to increase incentives for productive investment within the country.”
Opposite of financial or material help given
“The greatest hindrance to the development of rural patriotism is that very prevalent and quite contagious disease, urbanitis.”
Related Words and Phrases