Opposite of neglect of one's duty
Opposite of the quality or fact of being late, especially on a payment
Opposite of the state of being illegal or against the law
Opposite of an instance or act of wrongdoing or improper behavior
Opposite of the state of being criminal, or the act of committing a crime
Opposite of the shameful failure to fulfil one's obligations
Opposite of neglect of one's duty
Opposite of negligence in fulfilling a moral or legal obligation
Opposite of the failure to make a payment
Opposite of an unintentional mistake or failure
Opposite of the fact of being blamed or responsible for an offense or crime
“He was a pencil pusher of a man who maintained his innocence before the law on the basis that he was just obeying orders.”
Opposite of a misguided act
“For Katharine, doing a good deed was a reward in itself.”
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