Opposite of something that impedes the progress or movement of someone or something
Opposite of control over one's actions or emotions
Opposite of unemotional or dispassionate behavior
Opposite of understatement, especially of artistic expression
Opposite of a thing that prevents or is intended to prevent someone from doing something
Opposite of the state of being diffident, timid or shy
Opposite of stiffness or inhibition of one's behavior, approach or manner
Opposite of the avoidance of saying too much
Opposite of a lack of warmth or openness in manner or expression
“The friendliness and approachability of the locals increases in direct proportion to the number of steins sunk.”
Opposite of the unwavering strength of will to carry out one's wishes
Opposite of the state, act, or fact of being (emotionally) calm and composed
Opposite of the ability to control oneself and one's desires
Opposite of the quality of being frugal
Opposite of the quality or condition of being plain or uncomplicated in form or design
Opposite of a check or restraint on something
Opposite of a means of control or restraint
“To be maximally effective, early detection in primary care and facilitation of help-seeking in the wider community must also be addressed.”
Opposite of the capacity to accept or tolerate delay, problems, or suffering without becoming annoyed or anxious
“Surprisingly, those in the queue behind me did not register the slightest display of impatience or displeasure.”
Opposite of determination or persistence during prolonged hardship
Opposite of courteousness and refinement of manner
Opposite of the character or property of being thrifty or frugal
Opposite of something that prevents or safeguards against harm or danger
Opposite of a situation that must exist before something else is possible or permitted
Opposite of the condition of being cold or reserved in manner
“Some scholars have emphasized emotional closeness to describe the emotional attachment of relationship members.”
Opposite of mental or emotional stability
“Questions about his fitness were put to bed after a dominant performance on the field.”
Opposite of a style of art that emphasizes extreme simplicity of form
Opposite of the faculty by which a person decides on and initiates action
“There are frequent complaints about unwillingness to work, lack of entrepreneurialism and aversion to risk.”
Opposite of control of one's anger or emotions
Opposite of a restriction on the size or amount of something permissible or possible
“The low pricing and optimum performance enable users to enjoy the power, flexibility, and limitlessness of cloud computing.”
Opposite of the state or characteristic of being a virgin
Opposite of an emotional difficulty or a psychological inhibition
Opposite of the state of being cautious
Opposite of behavior that is in keeping with good taste and propriety
Opposite of the presentation of something as being smaller or less good or important than it really is
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