Opposite of a tendency or disposition to do something or behave in a certain way
Opposite of the fervor or tireless devotion for a person, cause, or ideal and determination in its furtherance
Opposite of an inclined surface or slope
Opposite of a sudden desire or change of mind, especially one that is unusual or unexplained
Opposite of a sloped surface or line, or the fact or state of being sloped
Opposite of a gradient or slope
A downward or declining slope or surface
“Arthur's Pass is 920 metres above sea level, and there is a steep descent to Otira in the west.”
Opposite of a feeling or suspicion
“It is clear that your ignorance of your children's whereabouts stems from your obsession and commitment to work.”
Opposite of a general direction in which something is developing or changing
“He also continues to cut on film, a noticeable deviation from the industry standard of nonlinear digital editing.”
Opposite of an upward slope or path that one may walk or climb
Opposite of a willingness or eagerness to do something
Opposite of an intuitive skill or ability
“Michael Jordan may have been great at basketball, but had an incapacity for baseball in comparison.”
Opposite of the power to act without the constraint of necessity or fate
Opposite of denoting a strong feeling of emotional attachment
“He struggled with feelings of scorn and resentment towards his father who had neglected him during his childhood.”
Opposite of motivation or inclination
“He had a strong disinterest in becoming an accountant despite the encouragement of his parents to do so.”
Opposite of a naturally raised area of land, not as high or craggy as a mountain
Opposite of an up-and-down movement, single or repeated
“It was impossible to tell what Pevisa meant to convey by a sniff and one brief shake of his head.”
Opposite of overgenerous preferential treatment
“Secularism was accepted to ensure equal rights and impartiality towards all religions.”
Opposite of an end goal or ambition
“I reflected on the pointlessness of working in the job that I do and found that I am completely and utterly unfulfilled.”
Opposite of a deliberate or fixed desire or intention
“The negative babysitting experience left him with a sense of desirelessness for parenthood.”
Opposite of the condition of being liable or predisposed to something
Opposite of a general meaning or character
Opposite of the unjust or prejudicial treatment of different categories of people
“Our constitution is a symbol of plurality, equality, justice, harmony, unity, and integrity.”
Opposite of the freedom or will to decide or choose, or that which has been chosen
Opposite of instinctive or intuitive feeling as distinguished from reasoning or knowledge
Opposite of a general direction in which something is developing or changing
“Interplay is the appropriate word to describe his unusual oscillation between reality and imagination.”
Opposite of the character of something
Related Words and Phrases