Opposite of just behavior or treatment
“Colin made his disenchantment with injustice known to the public.”
Opposite of having a lack of favoritism
“Media bias is not exclusive to this country, nor is the flat denial of its existence by those who clearly display it.”
Opposite of the quality of being reasonable or within the law
“I would advise against the path you are planning to take if it is going to fall within the realms of illegality.”
Opposite of the state of being just
Opposite of the quality of being morally good or virtuous
Opposite of a public official whose duty it is to administer the law
“No man, let alone a vexatious litigant, has a vested right to bring or continue proceedings which are an abuse of the process of the court.”
Opposite of a punishment imposed for breaking a law, rule, or contract
“A DNA test would eventually lead to the suspect's exoneration.”
Opposite of punishment inflicted in the spirit of moral outrage or personal vengeance
Opposite of the state of being just or righteous
“This Survivor tribe is not going to last long with the rampant lying and dishonesty among the contestants.”
Opposite of the quality of being accurate or exact
Opposite of respect and honor
“Their cowardice was a great disservice to their country.”
Opposite of the payment of a debt or fulfillment of an obligation or claim
“Bond investors were still smarting from the repudiation of bonds used to finance railroads, the Confederacy, and various carpetbagger governments.”
Related Words and Phrases