Opposite of a deviation or departure from what is normal or expected
Opposite of an act of excluding something or someone
(denial) Opposite of exemption from a rule or usual requirement
(liability) Opposite of exemption from a rule or usual requirement
Opposite of an essential or indispensable element, condition, or ingredient
Opposite of an expression or feeling of disapproval or opposition
“When a person signs a document, his acceptance of an illegible scrawl as his signature is sufficient to make it his signature.”
Opposite of a slight objection or criticism about a trivial matter
Opposite of a person whose behavior or attitude sets them apart from others in an uncomfortably conspicuous way
Opposite of a point or way in which people or things are dissimilar
“Corn snakes are named because of the similarity between their markings and the patterns of Indian corn.”
Opposite of a thing that is granted, especially in response to demands and by compromise
Opposite of the action of excluding or leaving out someone or something
Opposite of the act or state of excluding something or someone from a group
Opposite of a doubt about the truth or validity of something
“Well, the judge explained that what they're looking for here is somewhere between absolute certainty and just a shadow of a doubt.”
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