Opposite of the fact or quality of being alike or similar
Opposite of artwork of a person, especially one depicting only the face or head and shoulders
Opposite of an image or representation, typically of a god used as an object of worship
Opposite of the dark shape and outline of someone or something against light or a bright background
Opposite of a fraudulent imitation of something else
Opposite of a person or thing that is similar or analogous to another
“His results speak volumes of his incomparability in the field.”
Opposite of an image seen in a mirror or shiny surface
“Han initially uses the mirrors to his advantage, but Bruce smashes them all and is able to reveal Han's original.”
Opposite of the lifelikeness of the thing that is being imitated or created
“It would have saved me the pain and heartache, but it would also have left me in my little bubble of idealism.”
Opposite of a false front or appearance
“Johnny made his promise to do his homework a reality by completing it.”
Opposite of an object that is not genuine
“You really get what you pay for when you buy the real brand.”
Opposite of a drawn or painted image or representation of something
Opposite of someone or something that is the same as another in status or quality
“His outstanding leadership qualities made him the difference among his peers.”
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