Opposite of the unjust or prejudicial treatment of different categories of people
“Our constitution is a symbol of plurality, equality, justice, harmony, unity, and integrity.”
Opposite of subtle appreciation in matters of taste
“When Homer presented the prototype of his dream car to the masses, it was met with shock and disapproval.”
Opposite of recognition and understanding of the difference between one thing and another
“Family members protested their ignorance of such matters, insisting that only the lineage elders could explain their relationships in kinship terms.”
Opposite of the ability to make considered decisions or come to sensible conclusions
Opposite of the quality of having sensitive insight or understanding
Opposite of an unwillingness to accept views, beliefs, or behavior that differ from one's own
Opposite of the quality of being selective in one's choices
Opposite of refinement and good education in one's nature or bearing
Opposite of excessive patriotism, eagerness for national superiority
Opposite of bigotry or discrimination against a person or group expressed in speech
Opposite of the state of being judicious
Opposite of wisdom or discrimination that comes from being mature or experienced
Opposite of intuitive understanding and insight
“There is some documentation that alcohol use and misuse lead to people's misperception of social cues.”
Opposite of a state of awareness about something
Opposite of the capacity of the mind to acquire and apply knowledge and skills
“Perhaps much of his stupidity was owing to the want of talent in his master, or rather his want of method in the art of teaching.”
Opposite of a difference in (numerical) value
Opposite of good or discerning judgment, especially with regard to what is pleasing to the senses
Opposite of the act or fact of being meticulous or doing something with care or precision
Opposite of the process of distinguishing between two or more things
“It is Baudelaire himself who produces the very indistinguishability between art and reality by means of his story.”
Opposite of the state or characteristic of being separate or isolated from others
Opposite of the advocacy or practice of separation of a certain group of people from a group
Opposite of hatred or contempt for women, or discrimination against women
Opposite of the policy of racial separation used by South Africa from 1948 to 1990
Opposite of prejudice based on class
Opposite of the process of differentiating or distinguishing between two or more things
Opposite of an act of oppressing or persecuting someone
Opposite of understatement, especially of artistic expression
Related Words and Phrases