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What is the opposite of preference?

Need antonyms for preference? Here's a list of opposite words from our thesaurus that you can use instead.

Opposite of a greater liking for one alternative over another or others
“His neck size doubtlessly contributed to his aversion for neckties of any kind, and from age fifty onward, Brahms wore the collarless shirt of a hunter.”
Opposite of favour shown to one person or thing over another or others
“I'll be running this planet for the betterment and equality of all.”
Opposite of the freedom or will to decide or choose, or that which has been chosen
Opposite of a natural inclination or tendency towards something
Opposite of an item's relative importance
Opposite of the fact of being pushed or advanced to a more favourable situation
Opposite of a favorable inclination or enthusiasm for something
“He took no heed of the bakery as we passed by, his indifference for pastries evident.”
Opposite of a thing or person that is chosen among a group
“When his views made him a pariah in his home country, he looked for the farthest place he could find from Europe's crowded cities.”
Opposite of a person or thing that is very popular or held in high regard
“Brussels sprouts are my least favorite food.”
Opposite of a thing that may be chosen or done out of several possible alternatives
“When Hobson's choice is placed before one, deliberation is of no great use.”
Opposite of a deliberate or fixed desire or intention
“The negative babysitting experience left him with a sense of desirelessness for parenthood.”
Opposite of denotes one's preference or right to choose
“You have an obligation to tell the truth.”
Opposite of an item's relative importance
“The loss highlights the relative unimportance of one individual's brilliant and dominant performance.”
Opposite of a person or thing that is very popular or held in high regard
“Birds are just not my thing, and I consider them to be a personal hate of mine.”
Opposite of the best or most desirable among a category, kind or class
Opposite of the highest degree of importance assigned to something
“This was a significant disadvantage that he had to overcome on his path to glory.”
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