Opposite of present participle for to fail to notice or give the proper attention to
“This singer should heed the old maxim and not quit her day job.”
Opposite of present participle for to excuse or disregard as unimportant or insignificant
“They develop a rationalization of why they do what they do and feel cut off from social groups that disapprove or condemn their behavior.”
Opposite of present participle for to direct, handle, control, or be in charge of
“I am not going to stand by silently while you mismanage these sacred funds the way you have chosen to do in recent months.”
(somewhat rare) Opposite of present participle for to inspect or look at closely
“Having located the page, they would skim the page quickly until the relevant passage was located.”
(rare) Opposite of present participle for to cast a magical charm or spell on (by looking at someone)
“He lifted his head and started chanting, in an effort to exorcise him.”
Opposite of physically over or on top of
“He placed his cabin luggage in the space below his seat.”
Opposite of indicating the location of a physical object beside a place or object
Opposite of the act of not paying the proper care or attention to something
“Close observation needs to be paid to the patient's heart rate to ensure that it is regularly beating.”
Related Words and Phrases