Opposite of something that needs to be resolved
“It's an inescapable truth that these problems have no easy solution.”
Opposite of a source of irritation
“These earplugs are a real benefit to me when I need to get some sleep.”
Opposite of a conflict of interest or a dispute
“The two parties agreed to an alliance with each other.”
Opposite of a person or thing that causes annoyance or difficulty
Opposite of a complicated or baffling situation or thing
Opposite of a negative consequence or downside of a given course of action
“They have expressed that they want a positive to come out of this situation, and they are going to start a fellowship.”
Opposite of something that is difficult or impossible to understand or figure out
Opposite of a setback, or change for the worse
“At first, he had success against troops taken by surprise, but soon afterward, this fine and brilliant army was beaten near Ancona and were never able to rally again.”
Opposite of a fault or flaw that compromises someone or something
Opposite of an unfortunate incident that happens unexpectedly and unintentionally
Opposite of an illness that disrupts normal physical or mental functions
Opposite of serious and immediate danger or risk
Opposite of an arithmetical problem, especially at an elementary level
“You will get a star Timmy if you can tell me what the difference between 5 and 2 is.”
Opposite of something unrevealed or difficult to know
“He surprised his family with a revelation that he would be migrating to France.”
Opposite of a misfortune or affliction that causes worry, hardship, or distress
“We are an international agency concerned with the alleviation of human suffering.”
Opposite of something that is difficult or impossible to understand or explain
“He proposed a simple explanation for the inconsistency between lab observations and what was actually occurring in the field.”
Opposite of a flaw or obstacle in a plan, operation, etc.
Opposite of a doubt about the truth or validity of something
“Well, the judge explained that what they're looking for here is somewhere between absolute certainty and just a shadow of a doubt.”
Opposite of a difficult task
“Adrian had taken a woodworking and carpentry course in high school, so this would be a breeze.”
Opposite of a disadvantage of something, especially when contrasted with its advantages (pros)
Opposite of an expression or feeling of disapproval or opposition
“When a person signs a document, his acceptance of an illegible scrawl as his signature is sufficient to make it his signature.”
Opposite of an unfavorable circumstance or condition that reduces the chances of success or effectiveness
“Banknotes have a natural advantage over coins in that they are lighter to carry but are also less durable.”
Opposite of the possibility of trouble, danger, or ruin
“Their eyes, indeed, are like those of ordinary lizards, and the name, "blind-worm", seems not to refer so much to supposed blindness as to the harmlessness of the creature.”
Opposite of having the characteristic of being troublesome or unruly
“Jacob had a pleasant personality and was incredibly easy to deal with.”
Opposite of having, posing or being a source of a problem (or problems)
“This country has been a safe haven for many refugees and exiles.”
Related Words and Phrases