Opposite of power and influence over others
Opposite of control or dominance over someone or something
“This kind of freedom may coincide with the cruelest despotism and with the subjugation of the overwhelming majority of the people.”
Opposite of domination, influence, or authority over another
Opposite of a condition or circumstance that puts one in a favorable position
(of a person) Opposite of the quality of having a high personal standing or status
“Your unimportance to this group is really understated.”
Opposite of a dominant position in a competitive environment
“As we have only just started this company, we literally have the last place in our market right now.”
Opposite of the state or fact of having the power or authority to effect change
“His leadership has the impotence of a limp sloth.”
(archaic) Opposite of the class of people having an aristocratic status
“They knew that a boy of commonness had somehow caught the eye of the young Queen on one of her forays into the country.”
Opposite of a position of superiority or dominance
“In spite of young Kano's academic superiority he was relegated to a subordinate position, because of his physical inferiority.”
Opposite of an extended period of success, especially in sports
“Injuries plagued the club for consecutive years and were probably the major cause of their downfall.”
Opposite of the state or condition of being greater in number or amount
(of competitions) Opposite of a favorable condition or position
“The soccer team was trailing by three goals which represented a clear disadvantage going into the second half.”
Opposite of control of or dominion over an area or people
“Fundamentally, the subordination of the oppressed nations to the major powers is rooted in economic relations.”
Opposite of the action of suppressing or putting an end to an activity
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