Opposite of to break suddenly and completely
Opposite of to fluctuate from one condition, form, level or state to another
Opposite of to bite at, especially audibly
Opposite of to say something quickly and irritably
Opposite of to break or cause to break suddenly and violently into pieces
Opposite of to capture as a picture, image or photograph
Opposite of to become mentally worked up or unhinged
Opposite of a simple or easy task
Opposite of vigor or liveliness of style or action
Opposite of a period of frost or very cold weather
Opposite of a small quantity of something
Opposite of a loud, deep, resonant sound
“Living in an atmosphere as near noise-free as any on earth, they could hear a soft murmur across a clearing the size of a football field.”
Opposite of a sudden loud, sharp noise
Opposite of work or a task that is considered easy or requiring little effort
Opposite of a very small trace of something
Opposite of a small amount of something, especially a light coating or layer (such as of paint)
Opposite of a very small or insignificant amount
Opposite of a device with interlocking parts used for fastening things together
Opposite of a very short or brief period of time
Opposite of the slightest trace of something
“The chef didn't even try to hide the fact that he had used a lot of salt in the dish.”
Opposite of a very slight trace
Opposite of a loud or explosive sound or noise
Opposite of done or taken on the spur of the moment, unexpectedly, or without notice
Opposite of very easy or involving minimal effort
Opposite of done quickly or rashly without thought
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