Opposite of on purpose, consciously and intentionally
Opposite of taking one's time, slowly and carefully
Opposite of willingly, of one's own volition
“Sighing, she unwillingly placed her bookmark in the book, and went to open the door for Chris.”
Opposite of done with awareness or prudence
“She ran incautiously along the narrow ledge, grazing her exposed legs against the stone wall.”
Opposite of slowly, in a laborious or ponderous manner
Opposite of by degrees, in a gradual manner
“Seaward of the road, the grassy slopes end abruptly in rugged cliffs pounded by waves.”
Opposite of for a specific purpose or reason
Opposite of adverb for in a careful or cautious manner
“The environment is gradually being ruined by sloppy and haphazard planning.”
Opposite of adverb for having or paying attention to detail
“It looks as though Salisbury's careless talk may have cost her both her job and her freedom.”
Related Words and Phrases