Opposite of work, especially physical, manual or hard labor
Opposite of effort or energy expended on work, a task, or a goal
Opposite of something made, achieved or produced through effort
Opposite of the fact or action of giving birth to a child, as the culmination of pregnancy
Opposite of the act or instance of giving birth to a child, or of being born
Opposite of great effort expended towards a particular goal or aim
“Rabid zeal can be just as bad for a country as excessive laziness.”
Opposite of energy or effort expended towards an endeavor
“The inferiority might be the result of feebleness and of want of activity of the mind.”
Opposite of actions performed as part of one's employment
“Jack took leave from work to spend time with his sickly father.”
Opposite of all the people employed by a particular organization
Opposite of effort or exertion made to do something, especially when inconvenient
“Pulling that stunt was merely a cinch for him.”
Opposite of the effort (typically significant) put into a task
“He manufactures catchy guitar riffs with ease, and blends them with off-beat lyrics.”
Opposite of the process of giving birth
“Troy was also at Amanda's side when she lost her baby due to a miscarriage.”
Opposite of a thing or person that is the result of an action or process
“He continually attributed the cause of his failure to something independent of himself.”
Opposite of a mental or emotional conflict or struggle
Opposite of a significantly difficult task or experience
“Life was a luxury for him now that he had finally made a success of himself.”
(colloquial, US) Opposite of a difficult or tedious undertaking
“With this lemonade concentrate in the refrigerator, making a cold drink is a cinch.”
Opposite of severe suffering, difficulty or privation
“My fortune enabled me to live my life in comfort and luxury, but it also gave me too much time.”
Opposite of a person employed in maintenance or operations
“Our enemy has been working to sabotage our plans.”
Opposite of a male member of a workforce or team
“She resolved therefore to become a workwoman and to employ in this way the leisure she possessed from household avocations.”
Opposite of the total amount of something that is produced
“The Prophet was to eat some of it himself and give the remainder to his disciples.”
Opposite of to apply great and continuous effort towards work, a task, or a goal
Opposite of to greatly emphasize a point or issue
Opposite of to apply great and continuous effort
Opposite of to roll from side to side, especially of a vessel
Opposite of to strive in pursuit of a goal
“I would idle rather than devoting time to learning Japanese, and therefore I never mastered it.”
(intransitive) Opposite of to persist in or proceed with an activity or action
Opposite of to express or describe in exaggerated terms
(hammer away) Opposite of to persevere with a task or endeavor
Opposite of to overstate the importance of
Opposite of to cause anguish or distress to
Opposite of to make an effort or attempt to (do something)
Opposite of to make an effort or attempt
“Bernard's most consistent criticism is that he will quit before he even tries to get into the game.”
Related Words and Phrases