Opposite of the state of being free from illness or injury
“She said that she still hadn't completely recovered from her recent illness.”
Opposite of a particular state, period, or condition in life
Opposite of the health, happiness, and fortunes of a person or group
Opposite of the state of a sports player or team with regard to their current standard of play
“In just his first game since his knee injury, his rustiness was visible from the first bowl.”
Opposite of a benefit, or advantage from something
“The players opted for personal glory to the detriment of the team.”
Opposite of the science of health, its promotion and preservation
Opposite of a solemn promise or undertaking
Opposite of the overall state or condition of something
“It took me two hours to put everything in order, and two minutes for my son to make it a complete mess.”
Opposite of pertaining to the science of medicine
Opposite of of, or pertaining to medicine, or to a medical clinic or facility
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