Opposite of a strong gust of wind or air
Opposite of a violent shattering or blowing apart of something
Opposite of a severe reprimand
Opposite of a very fun or amusing time
Opposite of a loud, deep, resonant sound
“Living in an atmosphere as near noise-free as any on earth, they could hear a soft murmur across a clearing the size of a football field.”
Opposite of a sudden loud, sharp noise
Opposite of a loud, deep resounding noise
Opposite of an expression of vehement protest
Opposite of a strong gust of wind
“He liked the heat in the summer, the stillness of the winds, and the crowds at the beach on Key Biscayne.”
Opposite of to destroy by, or as if by, an explosion
Opposite of to criticize fiercely
Opposite of to move or travel hurriedly
Opposite of to publicly criticize or castigate harshly
Opposite of to criticize or express strong disapproval of
Opposite of to make or cause to make a loud, harsh sound
Opposite of to explode or cause to explode
Opposite of to explode, or cause to explode, usually into pieces
Opposite of to discharge a projectile
(informal) Opposite of to move or depart hastily
“Do you mind if we stay here a little longer?”
Opposite of to announce or declare, especially officially or publicly
Opposite of to ruin or destroy, especially in the sense of thwarting
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