Opposite of to reference or use as an example of
Opposite of to summon to appear before a court of law
Opposite of to create a list or enumerated account of
Opposite of to present formally for discussion or consideration
“The politician would recant his statement when it caused a public outcry.”
Opposite of to tell someone about something that has happened
Opposite of to mention as an example or reference
Opposite of to accuse of wrongdoing or a crime in a court of law
Opposite of to state one's position, either in agreeance or opposition on a particular subject
“Some may disagree, but I think the former is a much stronger statement without the qualification.”
Opposite of to cite or reference
“The teacher would typically invent new and creative phrases to demonstrate the use of various words in sentences.”
Opposite of to remember or bring back to mind
Opposite of to state a fact or belief confidently and forcefully
“Some theorists speculate that the universe will end in a big crunch when everything collapses in on itself.”
Opposite of to claim a statement as true
“I simply dispute the claim that some rules are more natural than others, or have an inherent moral basis.”
Opposite of to excerpt a section from a document or text
“In the mid-fifties, state nurses' associations were advised to insert a disclaimer at the end of statutory definitions of nursing practice.”
Opposite of to take a part from a whole, especially from literature
Opposite of a short extract from a book or other printed material
Opposite of an excerpt from a book, paper, or author, especially in a scholarly work
Related Words and Phrases