Opposite of to move smoothly along a surface while maintaining contact with it
Opposite of to lose one's footing (and slide or fall unintentionally)
Opposite of to move in a smooth, quiet continuous motion
Opposite of to become progressively worse in quality or health
Opposite of to move or proceed with a given movement or momentum
Opposite of to move forward on the hands and knees or by dragging the body close to the ground
Opposite of to move, proceed or advance slowly and gradually
Opposite of to deteriorate or go into decline, especially physically
“The results of your blood tests show that your health is starting to improve.”
Opposite of to move in a feeble or unsteady way
Opposite of to drip or dribble down vertically (in drops)
Opposite of to place, fit, or push (something) into something else
Opposite of to move or go in a furtive or stealthy way
Opposite of to move, glide or slide gracefully or effortlessly
Opposite of to move or drift along the surface of a liquid or in the air
“The boat would finally settle among the stillness of the waves as Gene quietly dozes off.”
Opposite of to become smaller, weaker, or less important
“I needed to demonstrate I could improve my output before I could be elevated to the senior team.”
(literally or figuratively) Opposite of to move or proceed with a given movement or momentum
Opposite of to move (something or oneself) slowly and carefully
“The second wall of rock doesn't quite meet the one I have been sliding along, so I force myself into the narrowing gap, totally sightless.”
Opposite of to decline or deteriorate in state
“We must overcome our weaknesses in order to unlock our potential.”
Opposite of to flow or move in a stream
“You can run the hairdryer over the wet patch on your dress and it should dry up pretty quick.”
Opposite of to move stealthily or warily
Opposite of to drop or fall to, especially of an undesirable or notorious level or failure
“You will rise from the ashes of your own destruction to become more powerful than ever before.”
Opposite of to pass or cause to pass quickly in a particular direction
“The stream will follow down the small cliff where it will terminate in a large pond.”
Opposite of a fall or decline in value or quality
Opposite of a mounted transparency, especially one placed in a projector for viewing on a screen
Opposite of a sudden severe or prolonged fall in the price, value, or amount of something
Opposite of the process of degenerating or degrading in quality or health
Opposite of the act of lowering in amount
“We noticed an increase in sales after our latest marketing campaign.”
Related Words and Phrases