Opposite of a return to success after a period of failure by a person, team or organization
Opposite of a quick and witty reply
Opposite of the revitalization or revival of something
Opposite of the gradual restoration to health
Opposite of the subjection of someone or something to contemptuous and dismissive language or behavior
“You will get nothing but praise for your book, and I shall be vilipended for mine.”
Opposite of revenge exacted for an insult, injury, or other wrong
Opposite of the revitalization of something, typically into a former state
Opposite of an improvement or rally, especially in economic conditions or someone's fortunes
Opposite of something done or said to amuse people
Opposite of a reactionary response to a product, service, or task
“The nonresponse we have received so far has been rather concerning.”
Opposite of something done, spoken, felt, or thought in response to a situation or event
“Her nonreaction was seen as further evidence of her toughness and imperviousness to criticism.”
Opposite of a return, or the process of returning, to health
Opposite of a return, or process of returning, to a former desired state, usually in terms of health
“The deterioration of his eyesight has necessitated the use of reading glasses.”
Opposite of a reaction to something
“In some situations, it may be too dangerous for children to direct their anger at someone else, even when that other person is the cause of their anger.”
Opposite of to make rude and mocking remarks, typically in a loud voice
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