Opposite of the Formal act of putting an end to
Opposite of the introduction of a substance that has harmful or poisonous effects
Opposite of physical harm that impairs the value, usefulness, or normal function of something
“However, the Second World War and the reparation of the complete road network after the war caused a serious delay in the creation of other motorways.”
Opposite of physical damage caused to something
“Fear not! Help is on its way.”
Opposite of the act or state of worsening or making or getting worse
“This plan package has curbed the sharp decline of the economy, steadied investor and consumer confidence, and promoted the stable recovery of the economy.”
Opposite of the process of becoming progressively worse
Opposite of the act or state of humiliating (someone) or being humiliated
“The Sixth Sense achieved the elevation of a cultural phenomenon because of a wizardly directorial effort by newcomer M. Night Shyamalan.”
Opposite of the act of giving an appearance to something of which it is not
Opposite of the state, quality or fact of being morally depraved or evil
Opposite of the process by which something is changed from its original state to one regarded as erroneous
“Artificial Intelligence feeds on the supplied data and thus its knowledge skills depend upon the volume, integrity, and wholesomeness of data.”
Related Words and Phrases