Opposite of unbearably or excruciatingly painful or torturous
Opposite of causing great pain or anguish
Opposite of intensely, extremely or unbearably painful
Opposite of severe or intense, especially in a painful or unpleasant way
“Whenever he tried too hard to recall the sequences, he experienced a dull headache which, though not incapacitating, was unpleasant.”
Opposite of excessive, as results from obsession
Opposite of unbearably or excruciatingly painful or torturous
Opposite of mentally difficult to come to terms with
“Despite suffering some trauma, it was a survivable experience, and a great story to tell to his kids.”
Opposite of in harsh or grievous circumstances
Opposite of present participle for to annoy or harass, especially in an unkind or bothersome way
Opposite of present participle for to cause or experience severe mental or physical suffering
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