Opposite of morally good, justified, or acceptable
“Many from his side of the aisle are now just as wrong on this issue as his opponents are.”
Opposite of in accordance with the truth, facts or standards
“Whispers and false rumors were being circulated about his new relationship.”
Opposite of of a suitable quality, standard, or type to meet the required purpose
“It was an inappropriate time to be joking about such a controversial subject.”
Opposite of true or correct as a fact
“There are no grey areas here, so you are either right or wrong.”
Opposite of suited or acceptable to the purpose or circumstances
“Given the circumstances surrounding the tragedy, it was a particularly imprudent thing to say.”
Opposite of best or most appropriate for a particular situation
“Even though she found his tattoos undesirable for a man of his stature, she was still attracted to him.”
Opposite of in good health
“He looked ill, so I sent him home.”
Opposite of able to think clearly
“The boy said that Indiana wasn't nuts, but crazy!”
Opposite of conservative politically
“He sprouted talking points that were mostly left politically.”
Opposite of placed or located to the right side
“So with your left hand, play the C-chord, whilst playing the melody with your right hand.”
(archaic) Opposite of continuing in the same direction or course
“The blueprint had crooked lines all over the place as if it had been drawn by an amateur.”
Opposite of accurate or correct in all details
Opposite of having a valid reason
Opposite of characterized by being fair, just, or impartial
Opposite of supporting or relating to the political views or policies of the right
Opposite of to an absolute or complete degree
Opposite of of a suitable quality, standard, or type to meet the required purpose
“Nitrate moving downward may pollute groundwater and well water, thus making it unsuitable for human use.”
Opposite of exactly as stated or indicated
“As indicated by the instructions, fold the paper partially down the middle.”
Opposite of marked by moral or proper behavior
“Jim declared that he would rather lose honestly than win unethically.”
Opposite of good or favorable in nature
“The tables have turned unfavorably against you, my friend.”
Opposite of in a prompt manner
“I'm busy at the moment, but I'll do it later.”
Opposite of in a correct manner
“If you do it wrong yet again, you might find yourself out of a job soon.”
Opposite of in the appropriate manner
“My manager always points out if I've done something inadequately.”
Opposite of exactly or precisely
“The frame was imprecisely placed against the other pieces and the result was less than desirable.”
(dialectal) Opposite of to a very large or great degree
“It was slightly irritating to hear the person next to me chew with his mouth open.”
Opposite of in keeping with the requirements of morality or justice
“In ancient times, people were severely condemned if they behaved immorally.”
(right on) Opposite of in a straight line
“When he moved off his line quite dramatically, he instantly knew he had failed the sobriety test.”
Opposite of in a manner which leaves little question
Opposite of immediately, without delay
“Some patients gradually develop a tolerance for the drug and need to be given a larger dose.”
Opposite of immediately, with little or no delay
Opposite of a moral or legal entitlement to have or do something
“The government's prohibition of chewing gum greatly angered the nation's citizens.”
Opposite of that which is morally correct, just, or honorable
“We cannot fight all the injustice in this world with good intentions.”
Opposite of a right or privilege exclusive to a particular individual or class
Opposite of the state of being just
Opposite of to restore to a normal or correct state
“Although he had made a grave mistake on social media, he hoped that it would not damage his reputation.”
Opposite of to restore to a normal or upright position
“Our Jenga structure would topple at the hands of our little one, who would proceed to laugh hysterically at the pool of bricks beneath him.”
Opposite of used in the expression of concurrence or agreement
Opposite of used to express concurrence or agreement
Related Words and Phrases