Opposite of lacking in accuracy or truth
“It is possible to discourage guessing by allocating one mark for a correct answer and minus one for an incorrect answer.”
Opposite of not in accordance with particular standards or rules
“The axing has inspired countless articles on appropriate dismissal methods.”
Opposite of lacking sense or sound reasoning
Opposite of based on a mistaken or erroneous belief
(of a thing) Opposite of not of the necessary quality or standard to meet a particular purpose
Opposite of not well thought out
“It's more, as I see it, a proactive way to deal with the situation, something that's sensible and logical.”
Opposite of lacking in veracity, accuracy or truth
“She's my best friend and she vowed to me that she had received this intelligence from a reliable source.”
Opposite of failing to give the proper care and attention that is required
“The art of horology requires careful precision and extreme attention to detail.”
Related Words and Phrases