Opposite of based on, or displaying, common sense
“Of course, the moment I got there it was clear that all my concerns were completely groundless.”
Opposite of legally binding due to having been executed in compliance with the law
“He's been detained in Japan since mid-July, when he was nabbed for traveling with an invalid passport.”
Opposite of reasonable and convincing
Opposite of having a valid reason
Opposite of accurate or correct in all details
“Did you feel in the storytelling there were any particularly glaring omissions or otherwise historically inaccurate stuff?”
Opposite of authentic or genuine, not counterfeit
Opposite of allowed or permitted according to the rules or laws
Opposite of of a suitable quality, standard, or type to meet the required purpose
Opposite of based on, or displaying, common sense, logic, or rationality
Opposite of appropriate or suitable in the circumstances
Opposite of of, characterized by, or consisting of (incontrovertible) facts
“The proposal submitted to the board was not accepted with a number of questionable recommendations to be interrogated.”
Opposite of still currently functioning or in operation
Opposite of conclusive or definitive
“She has given us an extremely vague description of the perpetrator, therefore, we cannot press charges.”
Opposite of convincing or compelling in nature
Opposite of real or genuine, in accordance with the truth, facts or standards
“The illusory aim of this form of government is the equal distribution of wealth to its people.”
Opposite of having significant importance or value
“Don't simply opt for apparently powerful but ultimately empty, meaningless rhetoric.”
Opposite of capable of working successfully
Opposite of suitable or moderately good
“These personal attacks are unfitting for a person of his stature and unacceptable for a world leader.”
Opposite of relevant or important with regard to (a subject or matter)
“In the example that you cited, proof of beneficial mutations is irrelevant to the Darwinian explanation of the transmutation of species.”
Opposite of characterized by conventional forms of ceremony and behavior
“Fitzgerald uses characterization and setting to capture Beatrice's and Stephen's unconventional relationship.”
Opposite of officially sanctioned or recognized
“The discussion was based on unofficial documents and conversations with those familiar with the subject.”
Opposite of suited or acceptable to the purpose or circumstances
“Given the circumstances surrounding the tragedy, it was a particularly imprudent thing to say.”
Opposite of making strict requirements
Opposite of of root, too deep to remove
Opposite of based on sound reasoning
“Steven Avery was convicted of murder due to an unconvincing case put forward by his defense lawyers.”
Opposite of real and tangible rather than imaginary
“He was simply trying to paint a picture of a possible or intelligible immaterial world.”
Opposite of appearing to be valid
“With everything pointing to the long haul, the actual results might be difficult to ascertain.”
Opposite of still within one's use-by date
“I regret to inform you that you have just consumed an expired pack of chips.”
Related Words and Phrases