Opposite of mild or soothing in effect or degree
Opposite of not sharp, hot, or strong in flavor
Opposite of gentle or pacific in nature or demeanor
Opposite of showing pity or leniency
Opposite of minor or trivial in importance or significance
Opposite of tolerant of deviation
Opposite of readily conforming to the authority or will of others
“The women's defiant attitude was the greatest surprise to the authorities who expected tears, supplication and general weakness.”
Opposite of free of, or inclined to avoid, conflict or dissent
Opposite of not easily upset or excited
Opposite of not objectionable or harmful in nature
Opposite of not likely to cause offense or ill-feelings
Opposite of having an easy-going mood or temperament
“Jim has an anxious personality and persistently worries about trivial things.”
Opposite of expressing subtlety of a particular quality as opposed to intense
“The others were ready to go, standing slowly and squinting against the intense light.”
Opposite of slow to reveal emotion or opinions
Opposite of characterized by patience, tolerance or indulgence
Opposite of prepared to obey others unquestioningly
Opposite of reserved, or shy and fond of being on one's own
Opposite of friendly, good-natured, or easy to talk to
Opposite of relaxed or leisurely
“We went away for a quick holiday but the kids made it rather stressful.”
Opposite of not easily upset or excited
(of the weather) Opposite of summery in nature
“Animals instinctively know how to prepare for the wintry weather.”
(of food) Opposite of bland or lacking in flavor
Opposite of having a relaxed, friendly, or unofficial style, manner, or nature
“Laura has a rigorous diet when it comes to her fitness regime.”
Opposite of not showy or lively
“The French composer Charles Gounod's bicentenary has been a lively affair so far.”
Opposite of calm in temperament, even in challenging situations
Opposite of not harsh in taste
“Saffron has a spicy, pungent, bitter taste and a tenacious odor, so only a very small amount is needed to give flavor and color.”
Opposite of humble in position or status
Opposite of unseasoned, mild, or insipid in taste or flavor
Opposite of easily excused or forgiven
Opposite of tranquil in nature
“We had to cancel our picnic at the park because of the stormy weather.”
Opposite of accommodating or permissive in nature
“No surprise then that writers so often prove such a stubborn, contrary lot.”
Opposite of having a slight or remote resemblance, relationship or quality
“This set includes the owls and nightjars, which may have a close relationship with the swifts and hummingbirds.”
(of a liquid or solution) Opposite of significantly diluted
“The broth was concentrated, packed with spices and full of flavor.”
Related Words and Phrases