Opposite of feeling or expressing bitterness or indignation at having been treated unfairly
Opposite of unwilling or with reluctance
Opposite of tending to seek revenge when wronged
Opposite of full of anger or hatred
“Their mother was at the center of their world and her warm loving nature provided a sense of security despite the lack of a father.”
Opposite of feeling angry or annoyed
“Her quiet words and calm demeanor reminded him more of their time as friends than this rivalry they now had going on.”
Opposite of in a bad mood and inclined to complain
Opposite of having or showing a tendency to be easily annoyed or angered
“She was then employed by Howard, a changeable character, easygoing one day, an unforgiving taskmaster the next.”
Opposite of characterized by resentment or envy
(green with envy) Opposite of overcome with envy
“He feared no criticism and was unenvious of the fame of rivals.”
Related Words and Phrases