Opposite of courteous or well-mannered in one's dealing with others
Opposite of having a compassionate or benevolent nature or character
Opposite of having a friendly and sociable nature
Opposite of showing the elegance and comfort brought by wealth or high social status
Opposite of apparently kind but betraying a feeling of superiority
Opposite of kind or lenient, often to excess
“His parents were strict disciplinarians who often had unrealistic expectations.”
Opposite of characterized by approval
“His unfavorable policies on abortion drew the ire of families around the country.”
Opposite of smoothly elegant or graceful in movement
(of a person) Opposite of having suitable conformity to basic moral standards
“I cannot trust any person who is dishonest, deceitful, and cunning.”
Opposite of having or showing fine personal qualities or high moral principles
“These evil deeds are the acts of a dishonest and immoral human being.”
Opposite of having an arrogant, self-important or pompous manner
Opposite of having or showing a composed or serious manner that is worthy of respect
“Sometimes, it feels a little undignified, but I never seem to get tired of getting drunk.”
Opposite of moving gracefully with ease
“According to the coach, his awkward kicking style can be fixed with time and practice.”
Opposite of apparently kind or helpful but betraying a feeling of superiority
(of a lifestyle) Opposite of not having financial stress
“He admits that he made some crucial mistakes in life which led him to be financially bare.”
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