Opposite of involving or limited to basic or simple principles
Opposite of primitive or crude in form or design
Opposite of relating to an immature, undeveloped, or basic form
Opposite of fundamental, inherent or central in nature
“Hickey theorized that humans have an underlying primary nature, as well as an opposing secondary nature.”
Opposite of rudimentary or crude in form, not thorough or complete
Opposite of of the greatest importance
Opposite of beginning, starting, coming into existence
Opposite of introductory, preliminary, serving as a prelude or preface
Opposite of at the core or in its most fundamental nature
“The recent discipline of bioethics has developed principles of its own independent of medicine.”
(of an organ or body part) Opposite of having become biologically functionless in the course of evolution
Opposite of existing or occurring at the beginning
“The final bell rings and the rooms empty out before the teachers can even look up from their books.”
Opposite of restricted or low in amount or extent
“The real number system consists of all numbers that can be represented by infinite decimals.”
Opposite of not (as) fully developed as expected
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