Opposite of endless or apparently endless (often used hyperbolically)
Opposite of persisting for an extended period of time
Opposite of remaining constant or in an unvarying state
Opposite of protracted, extending for a great period of time
Opposite of tediously long in speaking
Opposite of unceasingly intense in nature
Opposite of occurring continuously over a period of time
“I suspect that something is amiss because the car makes an intermittent but very loud noise when the engine is off.”
Opposite of protracted, made to take a longer period of time than necessary
Opposite of extremely large or great, especially in scale or degree
“Despite their tiny stature, the world's microchips levy a high toll on the environment.”
Opposite of tediously long or time-consuming
“The movie was fast-paced and thoroughly entertaining from start to finish.”
Opposite of without intervening space
“The solid lines represent the contours where there is an increase in electron cloud and the broken lines show regions with a decrease.”
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