Opposite of too small or unimportant to be worth consideration
“A blood test will show a significant reduction in the hemoglobin content of the red blood cells and an increase in the size of the cells.”
Opposite of having no significant meaning or purpose
Opposite of a pitifully small amount
Opposite of below the usual or expected size
Opposite of not clearly visible or attracting attention
Opposite of incalculably, exceedingly, or immeasurably minute
Opposite of easily excused or forgiven
Opposite of of a minimum or nominal amount, quantity, or degree
“I was thrilled that I got the maximum marks on my end of year exams.”
Opposite of not detectable or too small in magnitude to be observed
Opposite of of low social, administrative, or political rank
“Dad felt that my aristocratic heritage and working-class lineage would make me an ideal political candidate.”
Opposite of not famous
“Seizing the moment, she introduced herself to the famous film director.”
(outside chance) Opposite of small or improbable in degree
“There is a likely chance of a thunderstorm late tomorrow evening.”
Opposite of diminished or humiliated emotionally
“His boss praised him for his accomplishments and made him feel proud.”
Opposite of emphasizing insignificance
“Excelling at the firm often meant you would be relegated to positions of great influence.”
Related Words and Phrases