Opposite of of the most basic kind, especially on a fundamental level
Opposite of easy, straightforward and uncomplicated
Opposite of very easy or involving minimal effort
Opposite of fundamental, inherent or central in nature
“Hickey theorized that humans have an underlying primary nature, as well as an opposing secondary nature.”
Opposite of serving as an introduction
Opposite of introductory, preliminary, serving as a prelude or preface
Opposite of beginning, starting, coming into existence
Opposite of essential, as an element, principle, or law
“When you have to do it in your head, you have to get really to the heart of the matter and try to eliminate the inessential details.”
Opposite of offering or constituting the minimum required without elaboration or luxury
“His skills are technically advanced after years of practice.”
(somewhat rare) Opposite of involving, or limited to, basic principles
“It may seem a little strange in a book on advanced robotics and control systems to have a section on issues such as ethics, philosophy, and morality.”
Opposite of relating to the character of an early stage in the evolutionary or historical development of something
Opposite of at the core or in its most fundamental nature
“The recent discipline of bioethics has developed principles of its own independent of medicine.”
Opposite of crudely made or done
“The latest product released by the company would involve a sophisticated level of design.”
Opposite of in a crude or unfinished state
“We have provided a detailed summary of all services rendered in the following email.”
Opposite of denotes a composition of a single element
“The number of compound substances is therefore infinite, except on one hypothesis.”
Opposite of very plain or standard in features
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