Opposite of of an important nature
“This is a trivial matter which can be addressed at a later date.”
Opposite of grave in manner or disposition
“He looked cheerful after finally having done his taxes.”
Opposite of requiring considerable thought or reflection
“Merely the most superficial consideration should be afforded to the buffoon's request.”
Opposite of meriting, or tending to provoke, deep reflection
“This is a lowbrow film catering to the simplest of minds.”
Opposite of significantly worrying in nature
“He sustained a harmless graze to his shin as he was skateboarding.”
Opposite of having earnest intentions
“The president was insincere when he claimed to be committed to lowering taxes.”
Opposite of abundant or plentiful in quantity, amount or extent
“Brandon only made a paltry amount of money trying to sell bottled water for pets.”
Opposite of not to be laughed at
“I can't stop laughing. This is funny!”
Opposite of not easily answered or solved
“The computer program has some simple bugs which should be fixed in the next iteration.”
(informal) Opposite of truly meaning something said that was outrageous in nature
“I was kidding when I said I was going to going to go on a donut diet.”
Opposite of relentlessly severe, stern, or gloomy in manner or appearance
Opposite of marked by a likelihood to threaten the safety of a person or persons
“After a tumultuous period of torrential rainfall, the air has been surprisingly calm and pleasant.”
(of a situation or problem) Opposite of having a high likelihood of becoming dire or turning into a crisis
“The patient has stabilized and is now safe.”
Opposite of causing or inspiring fear, dread or alarm
Opposite of requiring quick or immediate action or attention
Opposite of requiring, or involving, great mental or physical effort
Opposite of considerable in size or quantity
(of a literary work) Opposite of overly serious or difficult
“The author's latest works were enthralling, arousing the interest of readers worldwide.”
Opposite of very serious or severe
Opposite of without artificiality or insincerity
“Mark's insincere apology was met with a disparaging response from Sally.”
Opposite of having a calm and serious manner or disposition
“He was still tense and agitated, and the view did nothing to calm him down.”
Opposite of serious or significant in nature
Opposite of sedate, serious or lacking in humor
“At once terrifying and thrilling, many would consider a parachute jump to be the experience of a lifetime.”
Opposite of following carefully and exactly a set of rules
“James was merely a casual follower of his professed religion, not being one to strictly adhere to its tenets.”
Opposite of significantly large in size, amount, value or degree
(of a situation) Opposite of dangerously insecure or unstable
“After a panicky few minutes, her cardiac status is now stable.”
Opposite of requiring immediate attention
“Once the baby was in a settled state, we were able to leave the room.”
(informal) Opposite of to be under no illusion, or to be serious about a matter
“You are deluded if you think things are going to work out between the two of you.”
Opposite of characterized by extreme force, degree, or strength
“Peta gave Josh a mild push on the back to keep the queue moving along.”
Opposite of causing or liable to cause death or tragedy
“It's time to stop pretending that yesterday's mac and cheese with a squirt of ketchup qualifies as a healthy meal.”
Opposite of of interest, worth paying attention to
Opposite of intellectual or scholarly in manner or approach
“He admired the truthfulness of landscapes painted by an unschooled artist, who became his first teacher.”
Opposite of extreme in intensity
“The two opposing groups had a half-hearted fight before going their separate ways.”
Opposite of having or indicating an efficient, practical, and systematic approach to one's work or a task
Opposite of not excessively showy or lively
Opposite of causing fear, dread or alarm
“I have some exciting news, but I don't want to tell you about it over the phone.”
Opposite of of, characterized by, or consisting of (incontrovertible) facts
“The proposal submitted to the board was not accepted with a number of questionable recommendations to be interrogated.”
Related Words and Phrases