Opposite of happening by chance or good luck
“Private Vaughan was one of the unlucky ones who got pneumonia and became desperately ill.”
Opposite of having, bringing, or resulting from good luck
“This was a very unfortunate situation to be in, and I decided to remedy it.”
Opposite of not expected, anticipated or foreseen
“As surely as it was a prank, this work was also a calculated attack on the most basic conventions of art.”
Opposite of advantageous to one's aims or goals
Opposite of auspicious, likely to prove to be favorable
Opposite of desired or sought after
Opposite of of a suitable quality, standard, or type to meet the required purpose
“It was an inappropriate time to be joking about such a controversial subject.”
Opposite of only used by or consisting of a privileged group
“Impaired judgment may take the form of diminished concern for the future, increased risk-taking, unrestrained drinking of alcohol, and indiscriminate selection of food.”
Related Words and Phrases