Opposite of having an unimpressed or indifferent attitude
Opposite of feeling angry or annoyed
Opposite of affected by disillusionment, such as from being let down
Opposite of done or acting in an indifferent or apathetic manner
“He displays a passionate disposition to saving endangered wildlife.”
Opposite of showing a lack of care, interest or concern
“Civilian employers are concerned about your welfare and want you to return home safe and sound.”
Opposite of offensively nonchalant or cool in manner
Opposite of unconcerned in attitude or action
“Morgan and his son have completely overhauled this machine over a period of two years in what was painstaking work.”
Opposite of very bored or disinterested (in something)
Opposite of not feeling, showing, or affected by anxiety or problems
Opposite of having, revealing, or involving a great deal of worldly experience and knowledge of fashion and culture
“The countryman went from ruggedly unsophisticated to casually erudite in one quick addition of something so simplistic as a pair of spectacles.”
Opposite of suffering from boredom
“The presenter kept me interested for the duration of his speech.”
Related Words and Phrases