Opposite of bland or lacking in flavor
Opposite of vulgar, lacking refinement and good taste
Opposite of lacking in style or good taste
Opposite of very showy, tasteless or vulgar in manner
Opposite of showing a lack of good taste, decency, or refinement
Opposite of vulgar or indecent in nature or quality
“They advocated clean comedy and, therefore, scrupulously avoided smut and double entendre.”
Opposite of inconsistent with established standards of good form or taste
Opposite of obscene or offensive in nature
“Brian always managed to still be funny while sticking to telling wholesome jokes.”
Opposite of thin, bland or tasteless, especially as a result of containing too much water
Opposite of showy or gaudy, but generally worthless
Opposite of lacking in finesse or grace
“Sathya displays a succession of foot rhythms and sculpturesque poses with playful eyes, graceful movement of arms and body.”
Opposite of dull and uninteresting
“The plot takes both Jim and Cathy on an exciting adventure across the seas, featuring many twists and turns along the way.”
Opposite of arousing revulsion or disgust, especially physically
“We had a pleasant evening catching up with some close friends over a sumptuous dinner.”
Opposite of lacking energy, liveliness or animation
“Thanks to the many people for helping me through the bureaucratic labyrinths, introducing me to interesting people, and making my stay in this bustling city pleasant and enjoyable.”
Opposite of excessively sentimental, overdone or vulgar
Related Words and Phrases