Opposite of displaying, or having a reputation for, bravery
Opposite of having, or characterized by, a noble or dignified manner
Opposite of charmingly attentive and courteous, especially to women
Opposite of impressive or grand in size, appearance, or manner
Opposite of noble and generous in spirit
Opposite of grand and impressive in appearance
Opposite of having or showing pluck, courage or spirit in trying circumstances
Opposite of willing, or inclined, to take chances or risks
Opposite of having a benevolent or noble nature
“He was an unkind ruler and oppressed the people in many ways, which, of course, made them all the more anxious to become again independent.”
Opposite of one who plays at courtship
(in the Middle Ages) Opposite of a man who serves his sovereign or lord as a mounted soldier in armor
Opposite of an elegantly dressed person
Opposite of a person whose affection or intimacy has been won
Opposite of a much-loved person, especially a significant other
“My voice was flat and expressionless, edged with steel and contempt for my enemy.”
Opposite of to flirt with, or attempt to win over, a romantic interest
Related Words and Phrases