Opposite of with bright or richly varied colours
Opposite of vivid or distinctive in character
Opposite of bright, colorful and showy in appearance
Opposite of showing a lack of good taste, decency, or refinement
Opposite of having complex patterns of colors
Opposite of giving clear and vividly explicit details
Opposite of brightly or vividly adorned, decorated or colored
Opposite of stimulating to the mind or senses, typically in a pleasant way
Opposite of producing powerful feelings or strong, clear images in the mind
“As the conversation progressed, Alice felt a vague sense of unease, since she reluctantly found herself believing that Abhay's point made some sense.”
Opposite of obscene or offensive in nature
“Brian always managed to still be funny while sticking to telling wholesome jokes.”
Opposite of having an exciting, exotic or fascinating quality
“There was absolutely no atmosphere and it was akin to being marooned on an unexotic island, with no one offering to top up our teapot.”
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