Opposite of disinclined to exertion or work
“He was a hard-working student who applied himself daily towards his academic goals.”
Opposite of lacking in energy
“She was feeling really energetic in the morning after having a good night's sleep.”
Opposite of failing to give proper care or attention
“The results of this report are flawless due to your careful attention to detail.”
Opposite of relaxed or leisurely
“I desperately need a break after a laborious week at the office.”
(informal) Opposite of requiring little effort
“Though not blessed with skill, the amateur basketball player scored a hard-earned fifteen points against the pros.”
(of body parts) Opposite of loose hanging
“The puppy dog had perky ears which made it look attentive all the time.”
Opposite of showing no interest, vigor, determination, or enthusiasm
Opposite of showing or feeling no interest, enthusiasm, or concern
Opposite of extremely lethargic or sleepy
Opposite of lacking initiative or ambition
Opposite of slow to move or act
Opposite of lazy, lacking in ambition or success
Opposite of having or showing laziness, disregard or negligence
Opposite of unhurried or slow in pace, progress or movement
Opposite of having or showing laziness, disregard or negligence
Opposite of not showing a proper sense of care or responsibility
“I consider us to be responsible people because we fill our recycling box to capacity every week, and put it out for collection.”
(informal) Opposite of to act in a lazy manner
“Prior to our holiday, we had to hustle at work every day.”
Opposite of to spend one's time in an aimless, idle way
Opposite of to waste or spend time idly and unfruitfully
(informal) Opposite of to relax or spend time doing nothing
“Let's do something this weekend since it's sunny.”
Opposite of to laze around, mostly doing nothing
“I really should move about a little after being sedentary for hours.”
Related Words and Phrases