Opposite of beneficial or being of advantage in a given circumstance
Opposite of appropriate or suitable in the circumstances
Opposite of fortunate, as if through divine involvement
Opposite of advantageous, or providing benefit
Opposite of serving as a temporary or short-term means or measure
Opposite of that can be done in practice
“I am overawed by their brilliance, in what once must have been seen as an impossible task.”
Opposite of quick, acting without delay
“The chiefs advanced at a tardy pace, followed in successive ranks by their vassal captains, and personal attendants.”
Opposite of reliable and unfailing
“Your lack of empathy is a testament to your flawed virtue, of which you should be ashamed.”
Opposite of practical, concerned with making decisions and actions that are useful in practice, not just theory
Opposite of attempting to achieve one's goals by unscrupulous scheming
Opposite of created or done in an improvised manner or as necessary
Opposite of a means of attaining an end, especially one that is convenient but possibly improper or immoral
Opposite of a crafty, and typically underhanded, means to achieve one's aims
Opposite of a plan or scheme to achieve a given effect or aim
Opposite of an action or means producing a particular effect
Opposite of a temporary way of dealing with a problem or satisfying a need
(archaic) Opposite of an ingenious or devious device or stratagem
Opposite of a strategy worked out in advance to achieve a goal
“I had to rely on improvisation as I was given very little to work with during my presentation.”
Opposite of the medium, method, or instrument used to obtain a result or achieve an end
Opposite of a reason or explanation given to justify a fault or offense
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