Opposite of lacking in intelligence
“My tragic flaw is that I'm not clever enough to figure out if I'm being made fun of or not.”
Opposite of temporarily unable or unwilling to speak
“As the old gentleman was not pressed by business, he was unusually communicative, and the whole of those wakeful hours was spread over with a web of anecdotes.”
(informal) Opposite of lacking in intelligence
“The engineers were quick on the uptake, which helped immensely with the project.”
Opposite of confounded with surprise or wonder
Opposite of unable or unwilling to speak
Opposite of not expressed in speech
“Spoken words, even a mouthed confession of faith, mean nothing without the behavior to back it up.”
Opposite of showing poor judgment
Opposite of to muffle, deaden or mask the sound of
“The balloons amplify the sounds of the strings, which constantly react to the sounds of the other harps and to sounds and air currents in the environment.”
Opposite of to suppress the noise or speech of
Opposite of to suppress the noise or speech of (oneself or someone)
Opposite of to put an end to something, especially one's ability to speak or express oneself
“His public transgressions will continue to occasion criticisms of his wild party ways.”
Related Words and Phrases