Opposite of not being under the influence of alcohol
“Getting drunk is mostly an exercise of choice, one of the few available in the current climate of health fascism.”
Opposite of serious, grave or solemn in nature
“Forgive me for being facetious in these desperately serious times, but sometimes ridicule is the only release from anger.”
Opposite of calm in manner or disposition
“A lone wolf howled miserably, followed closely by a volley of agitated barks.”
Opposite of not excessively bright, flashy or showy
“The garish jackets and flamboyant ties were out in force as a massive crowd packed the city to celebrate his life.”
Opposite of based on, or displaying, common sense
“I have also heard a lot of groundless and irrational fears that have stemmed from scaremongers.”
Opposite of given to or marked by restraint or moderation
“The Noble Lord attributed all that lavish and immoderate expenditure to the baneful influence of Universal Suffrage.”
Opposite of having or showing good sense or judgment
Opposite of very pragmatic or realistic, lacking emotion or artificiality
Opposite of mentally calm, having no emotion too strong or too weak
“It is in those of delicate health, neurotic disposition, and psychoneurotic tendencies, that reassurances are needed.”
Opposite of relentlessly severe, stern, or gloomy in manner or appearance
Opposite of showing little or no feeling
Opposite of of, characterized by, or consisting of (incontrovertible) facts
“The proposal submitted to the board was not accepted with a number of questionable recommendations to be interrogated.”
Opposite of not influenced by strong emotion, and so able to be rational and impartial
“He gave a fiery speech, outlining his vision of a world in which towns and cities would be built to blend harmoniously with the environment.”
Opposite of having a calm and serious manner or disposition
“He was still tense and agitated, and the view did nothing to calm him down.”
Opposite of having or showing a calm attitude towards disappointments or difficulties
(of a person) Opposite of sensible, reliable, and self-restrained
Opposite of sedate, serious or lacking in humor
“At once terrifying and thrilling, many would consider a parachute jump to be the experience of a lifetime.”
Opposite of having or showing a sensible and practical idea of what can be achieved or expected
“They felt that it was an impractical exercise from an engineering standpoint and that the market for such a radio would be minuscule.”
Opposite of marked by moderate behavior not given to excesses
“He unleashed on them a torrent of abuse that was unrestrained and unwarranted.”
Opposite of restrained and unpretentious in nature or appearance
“The sleeves and gowns balloon out with layers of lace in an overstated and flamboyant style.”
Opposite of stiffly formal in nature
Opposite of overly formal, conventional, or prim and proper
Opposite of having, showing, or done with good judgment or sense
“His ideas are obviously foolish, easily disproved, an affront to any reasoning person.”
Opposite of causing distress or emotional turmoil
“The walk is taken at a leisurely pace and is a very pleasant way to spend a summer's evening.”
Opposite of causing fear, dread or alarm
“I have some exciting news, but I don't want to tell you about it over the phone.”
Opposite of free from indecency or obscenity
“It is well known that the upmarket gastropub prohibits immodest or indecent attire.”
Opposite of of, supporting, or pertaining to traditionalism
Opposite of imposing or constituting a physical, mental, or figurative load
“The article would infer that the local magistrate was too lenient on criminals.”
Opposite of serious, thoughtful or earnest in appearance
“She looked at him in the picture, admiring how easy going and carefree he seemed.”
Opposite of having healthy and sound mental faculties
Opposite of expressing something forcibly and clearly
Opposite of done with care and full awareness of the likely consequences
Opposite of of great seriousness or importance
“We are deluged with trivial information and pointless musings which strain the patience to breaking point.”
Opposite of to make or become sober after drinking alcohol
“He said he was going to get drunk, then cook another steak and eat it with his bare hands.”
Opposite of to make or become more settled or subdued
“Angus admitted that this entire mess was starting to aggravate him.”
Opposite of to make or become more serious or thoughtful
“There was certainly nothing ludicrous or unnatural in the remark, but it appeared to amuse her husband greatly.”
Related Words and Phrases