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What is the opposite of heated?

Need antonyms for heated? Here's a list of opposite words from our thesaurus that you can use instead.

Opposite of having been made warm or hot
Opposite of somewhat warm or hot in temperature
Opposite of inflamed with passion or conviction
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Opposite of full of life, spirit, energy, or movement
Opposite of being in a state of increased energy or activity
“This is most clear in rosaceous fruit trees that go dormant in preparation for winter, and not in response to environmental cues.”
Opposite of high in tension or levels of conflict
“There was an amicable meeting of minds between the opposing camps.”
Opposite of full of spirit, energy and enthusiasm
Opposite of being in a heated state as a result of melting
Opposite of of food, that has been prepared by cooking
(of a debate or discussion) Opposite of stimulating strong views on a topic or subject
“For a few minutes, Alex and I listen to a boring discussion on symbolism, which seems to drag on forever.”
Opposite of requiring sensitive or careful handling
“While all this might seem sensible and uncontroversial, the problem is the motivation behind it.”
(of a feeling or emotion) Opposite of showing a heartfelt and powerful intensity
“There is an instant change from mild anger and heavy annoyance to startled astonishment and disbelief.”
Opposite of past tense for to cause an increase in temperature of an object or space
“I don't have temperature-controlled wine storage, but you can chill the wine in this ice bucket.”
(heat up) Opposite of past tense for to become hot or hotter
“I was sitting at the table, trying to be patient enough to wait for the soup to cool down so I would not burn my tongue again.”
("heat up", figuratively) Opposite of past tense for to become more intense and exciting
“As the discussions reach fever pitch, she will have to wait for the chaos to settle before she can speak again.”
("heat up", figuratively) Opposite of past tense for to become increasingly angry
“My friends spent a half-hour advising me to calm down after I discovered my partner cheating on me.”
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